Today we need revival in our nations even more than ever. Many are praying for it, but as yet it hasn’t arrived. So what may be hindering God’s answer? What are the hindrances to revival?

Hindrance 1:No Lifestyle of Repentance

Today many church and Christian organisation scandals are hitting the headlines. Pastors and Christian leaders fall into sin. When this happens, the leader is changed and organisational changes are made. But few ask about the spiritual life encouraged in the church or organisation. Was there a commitment to regular prayer, holiness and repentance?

The fact that no-one asks these questions shows that they are no longer seen as important. The prayer meetings at churches are often the least attended meetings. Many Christian organisations don’t hold times of daily worship and prayer.

Yet every God-sent revival starts with prayer and personal repentance, and

“The depth of revival is determined by the depth of the repentance” (Revivalist Frank Bartleman)

So if we want to see revival in our church, city or nation, it starts with a lifestyle of repentance and humbling before God. Lack of repentance and preaching on it, is a hindrance to revival.

See GRACE OUTPOURINGS: 21 DAYS REVIVAL DEVOTIONAL which has lots of stories taken from recent revivals for a 21 days great devotional experience.

Hindrance 2:No Faith for Revival

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mk 11:24)

There is a big difference between praying for revival and revival prayer. The former is something we do on a list of other prayer items but we don’t necessarily expect it to come. Revival prayer is a passion and something that we have faith for. It doesn’t need to be a lot of faith.

When Elijah only heard the sound of rain, after three years of drought, he didn’t just dismiss this, but received it as the sign of a huge storm! So he got on his knees and prayed 7 times until he saw a cloud as small as a man’s hand. Then the storm arrived!

Are we willing to pray with faith for revival and spiritual awakening? Are we expectant for God to move in revival? Will we respond to the sound of rain?

For a movement that is stirring up faith for revival, see “LET US WORSHIP” MOVEMENT

Hindrance 3:Lack of persistent Prayer

The Hebrides revival of 1949 began with two elderly ladies, Peggy, 84 years old and blind, and her sister, Christine, 82 years old and bent forward with arthritis. They had been stirred to pray by the low spiritual state of the young people in their parish, none of whom attended church. Their burden was so great, they decided to commit to praying twice a week from 10pm to 3 or 4am at their cottage.

One night, one of these sisters received a vision in which she saw the church crowded with young people, completely packed and an unknown minister preaching at the pulpit. They sent for their minister and told him the vision and urged him to gather his deacons to also pray twice a week also.

These prayer meetings continued for a month and a half until the Holy Spirit was poured out powerfully upon the community.

So these sisters and others on the island also, prayed persistently for revival until it came. Many times we give up after a few months and go back to praying about other things.

Today many are asking why coronavirus hasn’t gone after much prayer. But it often gets worse before it gets better, because of the spiritual battle. So Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal and thought this would now change the persecution of the prophets in the land. But instead Jezebel threatened to kill him and nothing seemed to change! But he had to wait for God to raise up Jehu to deliver the blow to Baal worship in the land.

So will we be persistent in prayer until we see coronavirus leave and the Spirit poured out on our land?

Hindrance 4: The acceptance of substitutes

Often we accept substitutes instead of the real thing! No woman wants a cheap, diamond looking jewel when she can have the real thing! But believers work for idols that are poor substitutes for the pouring out of God’s glory.

In the early 1850s, the USA was experiencing much economic prosperity. Many people, Christians too invested a lot of their time in making money. Then in the autumn of 1857 there was a great financial crash that ruined many people. It has been called the first global economic crisis. The panic spread rapidly due to new communications like the telegraph.

When many lost their riches and businesses, they were arrested in their pursuit of extravagance and greed and turned to prayer. They began to join prayer meetings for business people in massive numbers and after much prayer in many cities all over the USA, a mighty awakening arrived!

So we need to set aside all substitutes in our hearts, whether money, looking just for romance, or being driven by success. These are hindrances to revival. Instead let’s pursue the glory of God in our lives and our nation for only this will truly satisfy.

See book about PREPARING FOR THE ECONOMIC STORM that speaks into today’s current economic situation and how to overcome.

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