The revivalist Jonathan Edwards, wrote a book in 1746 that would transform the world almost 50 years later. The book was called, “A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of all God’s People in Extraordinary Prayer, For the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth”.

Edwards argued for all Christians to begin joint, monthly, powerful, meetings of UNITED EXTRAORDINARY PRAYER (or “Prayer Concerts”) for global revival and the conversion of unreached peoples in the nations. Today God is preparing us for a worldwide revival, but we need a revival of united extraordinary prayer first. See more info on this in GOD IS MOVING: THE CHURCH NEEDS TO GET READY

In 1784, an English Baptist Pastor, John Sutclif, read Edwards’ book and began to circulate it among his Baptist Pastor friends. Together they made a call for the pastors of the Northamptonshire Baptist Association to set aside the first Monday evening every month for united prayer. These “concerts of prayer” became popular and affected pastors like William Carey and Andrew Fuller, who started the Baptist Missionary Society, which started a new missionary movement.

After the American Revolution, there was a serious national moral decline. But in 1794 Isaac Backus, a leading Baptist Minister, sent out a call to all denominations in the US to meet to pray. All the major denominations adopted it, the Methodists, Baptists, Congregationalists, Reformed and Moravians, until the US had networks of prayer meetings on the first Monday all over the nation. Shortly afterwards revival came and then the  first missionary movement, that transformed the world.

So what was Edwards’ call that led to revival?

1. A Humble Attempt

We believers have to humble ourselves and admit that it’s only God that makes things grow (1 Cor 3:6). We can do nothing apart from the Vine, Jesus (Jn 15:5). It’s prayer that connects us daily with Him and that brings the answer (Lk 18:7). The problem today is activism amongst Christians. We do everything we can to extend God’s Kingdom, but without much prayer, we do it all in our own strength and it achieves little. So we must HUMBLE OURSELVES first (2 Chron 7:14)

2. Explicit Agreement

Jesus teaches this about prayer:

I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my Name, there I am with them.” (Mt 18:19-20)

There are two keys here. First that believers agree in prayer, about the Father’s will. Secondly, that we come in His Name, i.e. that we unite seeking His presence and will together. Then the Holy Spirit will guide us into a knowledge of His will together. EXPLICIT AGREEMENT.

3.Visible Union of God’s People

United Prayer. Unity between believers is the vital base. We can be from different churches or denominations and disagree on some issues, but we come together with love for one another and having fellowship in the same Gospel of Jesus. When we do this, the Bible teaches that there is great power and anointing:

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. It’s like precious oil poured on the head…..For there the Lord bestows the blessing.” (Ps 133:1-3)

But when there are divisions and barriers and we allow these things to separate us, we don’t pray honestly together and it lacks power. So we must humble ourselves and forgive the differences and unite in the Gospel, for the greater good of the Kingdom. Then we can have real united prayer.

4.Extraordinary Prayer

Edwards didn’t argue for just prayer but EXTRAORDINARY PRAYER. What is this? I believe it can mean many things. The Holy Spirit is very creative, for example:

  • Overnight prayer that is oblivious of time and continues until the early hours of the morning.
  • Prayer that is not a burden but a delight, in which believers pray together with great unity.
  • Prayer that shakes the earth, as in Acts 4:31, “After they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” They were then an answer to their prayers!
  • Prayer where everyone weeps for hours over nations. I have seen this in Brazil. God directs the prayers and shares His heart about nations and peoples, such that they weep.

See also the story of Kilpatrick and extraordinary prayer in THE PRICE OF REVIVAL.

Action we can take

  1. Let’s meet together in united prayer with fellow believers to pray for a fresh spiritual awakening in our nation and across the world.
  2. Let’s make the call to join with other churches in united, extraordinary prayer.
  3. Let’s set aside time alone to pray that God raises up extraordinary prayer in these days for revival and for the expansion of His Gospel to all peoples.
  4. My book GRACE OUTPOURINGS: 21 DAYS REVIVAL DEVOTIONAL is designed especially to help stir us up to passionate prayer through stories and verses on revival. Do read for a great devotional experience.

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