Shalom is normally translated as “peace” or “Hello”. In Braziland some other countries many people use it as a greeting, “The peace of the Lord”. But the word in Hebrew is so much more than just “peace” or a nice greeting:

1.It’s related to the verb

Many nouns in the Hebrew are connected to a verb with the same 3 consonants. The verb connected with Shalom means “to make complete”. So Shalom is often translated “prosperity” in the sense of being complete in all areas of our lives: firstly our relationship with God, then in the areas of health, emotions, education, our family, financially etc.

2.It’s also used for cities

For example Ps 122:6

Pray for the peace (SHALOM) of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure’

Or Jer 29:7 concerning the city of Babylon:

Also, seek the peace (SHALOM) and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

So we are urged to pray for and seek the prosperity of our city in every area: spiritually, educationally, health-wise, politically etc. This is God’s will for our city. It’s powerful.

There is a beautiful worship song called “Shalom” from Bridge worship.

3.Where do we find SHALOM?

The Bible also teaches this. Micah 5:5 which refers to the coming Messiah says:

And he will be their peace.”

So JESUS is our SHALOM. In Him we are complete and whole in every important area of our lives. It’s the Gospel.

What now?

1. Let’s pray God’s SHALOM over my life and over my family and friends.
2. When we greet others with “SHALOM” we are asking God to bless all areas of a person’s life to make them complete.
3. Let’s pray SHALOM over our cities and over our nations. It’s a powerful prayer from Scripture and from the very heart of God.
4. Let’s pray for revival in our nations because only through this will we truly realise the SHALOM of Jesus.

Here’s a book that will encourage your devotional life through Biblical and modern revivals:

GRACE OUTPOURINGS: 21 DAYS REVIVAL DEVOTIONAL which has lots of stories taken from recent visitations for a great devotional experience and how to pray for God’s SHALOM over your life and over nations.


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